Building Leaders

One of the greatest things about being in business and growing a team in Internet and / or Network Marketing is you get to build people up. You can see them go from zero to hero pretty quick — for those that are interested. For some folks it’s like a bamboo tree. It takes them 5 years to sprout and grow into a big tree. It’s not about the speed of the destination for them though… it’s about the journey.

23 Mar 2005, Hawaii, Hawaii, USA --- Hilly Road --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Customer support is and should be number one priority to be attentive to your team members. I propose a 24-48 hour response time for support to anyone that needs it. This gives enough wiggle room to create the time allotted for those on your team and those looking to join.

Some tips to consider when building a team:

  1. Clearly define the type of person you’d like to grow to be.
  2. Seek and develop leaders to duplicate that person.
  3. On a scale of 1-10 if you see yourself as a mid range leader lets say a 6. You will easily want to sponsor/recruit folks that are a 5 or below because they’re easier to talk to. What I propose is you seek a 6 or a 7 and let them go recruit those and above to strengthen the team
  4. If a person is not in alignment with your core philosophies, make sure to disconnect from them immediately. Longing the process can and will hinder your team synergy.

Take me for example. I like to seek out humble people that have the mentality of treating others like they want to be treated. In sales we call that mirror and matching. Do you want to be babysitting an adult who has the “entitlement” mentality of “what’s in it for me?” Or do you prefer the person that takes the tasks in hand and provides support to others. I like to call it, The Servant Leadership mindset. How can I serve you today?

I gotta tell you, it’s a lot simpler when the person you are working with has messed up and they ask for forgiveness. I’m the first to tell you that I’ve messed up and I’ve asked for forgiveness because I know that I’m a sinner, I’m not perfect. Asking for forgiveness has really allowed me to grow into a servant leader. A lot of this comes from growing up with very little in my hands. I wasn’t fed a silver spoon in my mouth and I really had to go out and make it happen.

The change for the future and present. A lot of my philosophies in business grew from awesome humble leaders like Jim Rohn, John C. Maxwell, Derek Wiersma, Scott Aguilar, Ray Higdon and many leaders that have poured their heart into my mindset of thinking to allow me to thing and grow within.

Most importantly, what I use to think was common sense growing up isn’t so common when you start to work with people. You’re going to be challenged with different personalities. That’s right, some folks are going to have egos bigger than their bank account. Chasing the money because someone makes more than the other isn’t necessarily someone you want to follow. Especially if you know they have deceived others in the process of getting there. Therefore, know your playing field.

Here’s a quick story. I coached a guy who was having trouble generating any type of money online. With my coaching and that of the other servant leaders, he finally started to make some money in my eBay program. He was one of the first guys I coached. Later on because some of the herd thought the grass was greener on the other side, decided to snag him from me. Mind you, I never did anything wrong to this guy, but apparently because I didn’t follow them, they decided to make me the enemy. His exact words were “How does that feel to pour salt on the wound.” Soon after this statement, he died of cancer. To this day I feel sorry for the guy for not seeing it. He missed the purpose of why I had formed the team in the first place.

“The birds are going to get them.” That’s right, get ready for the the birds. It’s part of your business but don’t get caught up there in the conversation. Keep moving forward because there’s a hater in everything that you do. If you keep a clear defined vision, the right people will follow. Hate has very little strength in anything. When building a business out of love and passion, you will start to see the Diamonds in the rough shine through.

May this message inspire you and your team!

Cesar Ramirez

P.S. If this post inspired you, let me understand how I can serve you. Here’s a quick free way to share your thoughts, pains and struggles… [Click Here]


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