last night was amazing…

Hello my friends:
Last night’s webinar with Mr. Larry Beacham was amazing.
I like to refer to him as a Affiliate Marketing Guru.
He doesn’t like the word guru. :-). Don’t be shy my friend you are.
I may do another one here shortly because I wasn’t
able to record it. For those that were on it and took advantage of the
training, there were some amazing questions. So I just wanted to
answer them really quick.
1) What was covered? Larry mentioned that he has generated roughly “an
extra” $70,000+ in 2010 on just affiliate marketing. One of those products
was mine and in 24 hours I saw what he did with my product. Sold 122 in

24 hours. Amazing.

2) Biggest hurdles? The problem with affiliate marketing is that

most folks don’t understand the science. Yep, there’s actually a science
formula on how to build your list with a target market. Larry gave an
example of a dog. If you own a dog business and want to build a list of
dog “product buyers” you offer an ebook product that targets dog lovers.Unfortunately, there isn’t many folks that can write creative ad copy to attract their audience.
So Larry gives free examples in his course he put together.
Finally for those folks that take advantage of his course before this
Sunday night January 8th, 2012 12am (Pacific Time) , he is offering
a private 30 minute coaching with the purchase of his product. Look
at all the value you get in the course. Go to my affiliate link here:
Noticed I said “affiliate link”. This is how you get your buyers to take action. This
product will put money in your account today! How do I know that, because
he taught my 6 year old how to generate an extra $500 over the summer of
2010 using just 1 affiliate product. This stuff works.
P.S. I got several emails and text messages saying that what I would recommend in 2012
to get going with generating income with little or no cost. My answer is get going with
Larry’s training because affiliate marketing money still pays me to this day. I get checks
from a webinar software that I haven’t touched for over a year. An extra $300 month
after month isn’t much but it pays some bills. Affiliate marketing pays. Learn it here:
P.S.S. Your bank account deserves a facelift. Pickup Larry’s product above.

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