Skymall Magazine

So I was pulling out a skymall magazine on my flight to Tampa, FL and I came across this page. “The greatest gift … is to help others help themselves.” Wow! How powerful is that?! The main reason I began flipping pages anyway was because I was listening to an audio training cd set by Cedrick Harris called “The 10k per month attraction marketing blueprint.” In there he talks about live marketing scenerios that have built him his leads for his primary business both offline and online.

Now, the concept is pretty simple. This tool that is known as sizzle cards or drop cards look like real $100 bills. What is recommended is that you stick $100 bill drop card in the magazine with a message that will intise your reader/prospect. It’s very duplicatable and they are fun!

Watch my videos at if you have not done so already on how I use these cards live.  If you want to order your very own now, go purchase and put them to work. Make it a profitable day.

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