Tag: mindset

It’s Ok To Make Mistakes. Fail. Double Your Rate.

Each days of our lives, it’s inevitable we will make mistakes. However, everything happens for a reason, so we should never be afraid of making mistakes. What matters most is that we leave the past behind, and simply learn from it. Of course, try not to bounce back over the same mistakes. Admittedly, as human […]

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The Battle of The Mind

It’s hard to believe the fact that most people in this world think they are unhappy. I think this is because they never get content on what they have in the present. Some are  because they live in their minds, obsessed with events and situations in their past, or focusing on what has not yet […]

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Success in MLM is a Journey Not A Destination

Too often times I see a new person get into the industry of Network Marketing/Direct Sales/MLMs and they quit if they are not making money within 3-5 months. This can be quite a sad but true reality. A lot of times, people quit because they either don’t believe in themselves, they don’t believe in the […]

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