The world has changed. Will You?

Not to long ago I came across a video that really hit home (posted below). If you have been following any of my posts in the last 4+ years, you know that I am completely transparent when it comes to the truth. Have you ever wondered why students that go to a good school, to get good grades, to get a good job fail at the latter? Yeah, actually statistics show that you’re lucky if you find a job in what you studied. 80% failure rate out of college to be exact. Those that do get a job, they are excited for about 4 years or less and then they still can’t fulfill their happiness.

What happened to the 40 year plan? It just doesn’t exist anymore. We are a connected economy. There’s information faster than ever before. People really don’t want to sit down and meet each other as much because they can do it all in 5 minutes via Facebook and other social media platforms. You’re sitting here reading this post because I want to get this message across to not just you but the world.

Some folks will just never get it and go back to their box (safe zone). There is nothing wrong with having a job, but don’t let that be the only stream of income. Work on your side hustle with all your heart. Those entrepreneurs that are stuck at a job, they have the ability to still do side hustles and are known as intrapreneurs.

What is an intrapreneur?

An intrapreneur is an employee who is tasked with developing an innovative idea or project within a company. The intrapreneur may not face the outsized risks or reap the outsized rewards of an entrepreneur; however, the intrapreneur has access to the resources and capabilities of an established company.

My advice, success and happiness is having enough income to have your freedom of time back not tied under someone else’s clock. Make sense? Here are some tips:

1) What makes you happy right now is owning YOUR time.
2) Do what you want when you want
3) Set a clear define goal to be awesome this month.
4) Don’t let anyone sell you on their negative influence because that’s not healthy.
5) Surround yourself with successful people.
6) By charitable and get right with God.
7) Pay it forward and teach others.

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Enjoy the video:

1% Better Daily,

Cesar Ramirez