Evaluating The Traffic Sources For A Successful Internet Marketing


Internet marketing is not an easy feat. There are several aspects of this new form of advertising and marketing that you must know before you dip your hands into it. Aside from having the tenacity to market your products through a barrage of Internet tools, you must also be very aware of the factors that can make Internet marketing work for your product or not.

First stop is the traffic sources. We vaguely hear this term when we’re merely connecting to the Internet for social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Little do we know that social networks are actually one of the best forms of referral traffic sources, which means that Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can lead potential customers to your site.

If you haven’t used this tool now, then your website is in a big trouble. Understanding Internet marketing tools will provide you with the needed arsenal to make your products more saleable to the netizens. And compared with the other tools out there in the world wide web, traffic sources are probably the easiest to comprehend and execute.

Types of Traffic Sources

There are basically four different kinds of traffic sources: direct traffic, referral traffic, search engines and Internet campaigns.

1. Direct traffic

A traffic source is considered direct when the person was able to access your website by typing and entering your URL on the address bar. Most of the famous websites make use of direct traffic sources. Websites such as Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Twitter and even LinkedIn have direct traffic as their primary Internet sources.

2. Referral traffic

If you want to become successful in Internet marketing, you have got to make use of referral traffic. As a newbie in this field, your customers would most likely get to know you through the posts you make in various online sources such as social networking sites and online blogs.

You have to harness the power of referral traffic by inviting potential customers to click on your link, which will direct them to your brand’s or the product’s actual website.

3. Search engines

Never underestimate the power of search engines. As the most widely used websites, Google and Yahoo can open doors for your online company. Always use the right SEOs, PPC and other types of advertising. If you can afford it, advertising through search engines is also one of the best way to put your website out there in the world wide web.

Millions of people use Google, Yahoo and even Bing to search for products, websites, resources, articles and blogs each day. You have to harness the potentials of these traffic sources and make them work for your website.

4. Internet campaigns

There are other types of traffic sources that can make you successful in Internet marketing. One of those things is the good and old email and affiliate marketing. In order to make your product popular in the Internet, you have to make it visible out there. Email your friends. Post on their walls. Send messages to them. Make sure your brand’s website becomes viral, so it can stand on its own in terms of attracting customers.

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