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MLSP – Live The Dream – The Event That Showed It All.

My Lead System Pro – MLSP’s first national convention was amazing to say the least. There is only one first and you’re fortunate enough to have me sit here and write my experience for you. For those that couldn’t make it, read closely.
Instead of staying at the Venetian where the event was at, I decided to make this a family vacation/business event so that I can write it off in my taxes :-). Oh you read that right, write it off. You can do that when you’re in business for yourself. My family and I stayed at the Cancun Resort just off the strip in Vegas.

We arrived Friday night and hanged out together as a family. The exciting day starts the following day with MLSP.
If you don’t know what My Lead System Pro is, read closely. If you have ever been or have failed in a Network Marketing home business opportunity, MLSP is the solution to why 95% of the people fail in the industry. Simply put, they are taught the old methods of marketing which sort of, kind of still work, but they are confronted with a lot of rejection and if they’re coming from a J.O.B. mindset, it’s hard to overcome. The system assists the network marketer to provided a funded proposal to allow the network marketer to start making money today by following a simple system. You can view my video here on how to get your system going.
Saturday October 2nd, 2010 Day 1
I remember the morning as if it was an hour ago. I wanted to win an award so bad because I felt that i deserved it for all the webinars and effort I had put into the system. Well surprisingly enough, Norbert Orlewicz called my name up on stage for the L1 Leadership Award and I won a diamond trophy. Now recognition is one of my required elements because as once said “babies cry for it, adults die for it.” It just made my weekend a blast being on stage in front of hundreds of people. I felt like a rock star for sure. I had to sneak away from the crowd because I had people trying to interview me and ask me all kinds of questions. It’s apart of the success ladies and gentleman, You must embrace it and assist others in their marketing efforts.
Just look at that diamond. It will look awesome on my desk 🙂
Todd Falcone – Prospecting Master
Todd is amazing to say the least. He specializes in prospecting professionals such and Realtors, etc, I was able to get Lake Las Vegas homes for sale thanks to one of his realtors. He has an amazing story and is a no fluff type of dude. He doesn’t tolerate slackers and I love his story about his college roomates that was lazy and always putting him down while they were playing Zelda back in the 80s. They would say “[in a stoner kind of voice] Hey Todd, you’ve made any money in that Network Marketing thing yet?” And he simply said, “pack your [bleep] and get the [bleep} out of my house. :-). That’s the attitude of a winner. Some of the common objections that he squashed that most network marketers fear are:
1) Q- “Is this a pyramid?”
A- “Why are you looking for one? If you are I can’t help you.”
2) Q – “Is this Network Marketing?”
A – “Hell yeah, it is. If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t touch it!”
Todd shared some inspiring moments and he was definitely on his game. He said whether you’re in a job or a home based business, you’re going to struggle. The only difference is that a homebased business will make you rich if you “figure it out.” You deserve to connect with Todd.
Nicole Cooper – Mailbox Money Queen

Nicole caught the audience by surprised with her fantastic energy. She said “True Winners figure things out and Never Quite.” She is absolutely correct. There are people that just can’t handle working on themselves because they’re so use to asking someone above them every single question. There comes a time where you have to take action and be responsible for your own methods of working. Everyone works different and I always say you must follow what your passion is.
Nicole said to filter out people that have not plugged into self improvement books. Let them go. If they have not read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Think and Grow Rich, etc, then most likely you’re dealing with an adult baby sitting division. Here’s a clip I took to share with you from Nicole’s inspiring moment:
MJ Durkin – Author and Dream Enabler

MJ Durkin has been a keynote speaker and presenter for some of the world’s largest sales organizations. He is the author of four books, “Double Your Contacts,” “Selling from the Heart” “Own Your Home – Own Your Life” and his brand new book, “Your First 90 Days in Network-Marketing.” This was my first time seeing MJ, very cool guy. MJ talked about how powerful it is to be a published author (book writer). He said .08% of the US population are authors, 3.86% are doctors. Basically, that chances of you becoming a doctor are more common then writing a book. Simply being a published author (MJ points out whether the book is even good) puts you in a pretty elite group. Being a published author gives you a ton of credibility and gives you a great prospecting tool as well (imagine telling your prospect you will send them a copy of your book!)
So as soon as I heard MJ’s speech, I thought to myself. Ok, it’s time to write your book Cesar! It’s definitely time and I’m inspired.
The King of Attraction Marketing – Mike Dillard
Mike Dillard. What is to say about the dude. He’s awesome and this event proved it. He was questioned by a panel of 5 leaders in MLSP to grind him on assisting struggling internet marketers. If you don’t know Mike Dillard, you may have heard of his Magnetic Sponsoring Book. It’s an amazing product and you deserve to read it. If not, you’re just upgrading from a dialup modem to DSL or FIOS. In all seriousness, he’s the real deal.
As he was living in an empty apartment and waiting tables, he knew in his heart that he would have a pretty big impact in the industry. Mike says it was never a matter of “if” but “when”.
I wanted to share some of the questions that were asked that really stood out for me.
Jim Chao – How do you position yourself as an expert when you’re new to the industry?
Mike Dillard – There are 2 things that I did to get around that. 1st) I didn’t talk about myself, I talked about my team. Todd Falcone was one of my original mentors in this industry 5-7 years ago. I never made a claim about a result that I did or did not have in the industry. 2) Despite the fact I had or hadn’t built a downline in the industry, I knew copywriting. Its a skillset that even my upline didn’t know. I put a co-op together. I went to my upline and said you have money, I have time. Within the 1st 2 or 3 months I was managing a 50,000 lead campaign. It wasn’t the company it was the skillset that allowed me to build the company.
Josh Traboulsee – My wife had a question we always wanted to know “How important is it to understand the phychological of people?”
Mike Dillard – At the end of the day, is building a team it comes down to family and caring for people. This industry specifically, you really have to use the internet to foster those relationships on your team. Retention, community, and growth.
Mia Davies – The time frame when people come online to get results. Offline works but when you are out to create massive duplication, how do you connect your team to both worlds?
Mike Dillard – Talking to my parents friends and my warm market wasn’t for me. What business that I have or influence as a kid in college. So I decide to go online. It took me a long time to be the person I wanted to be to get the results I wanted.
Mia Davies – For some folks that come online are looking for ways to come online. When you have a team of people when you come on board, do you recommend people to work offline first before coming online.
Mike Dillard – Yes you have to. Show what duplicates first offline then pursue the internet as an option. Use an offline DVD that is easy to duplicate. The baby boom generation wants to pursue something different and they lost 30% of their retirement portfolio and they need to replace that income. Unfortunately, the internet may be a great way for them to get lost. They need to start something simple as belly to belly.
Ray Higdon – What about the people that are coming into attraction marketing, why would someone be attracted to me since there are so many out there.
Mike Dillard – The bottom line is, Magnetic Sponsoring has been around since 2005. It is one of the biggest if not the biggest brand in attraction marketing. Our list is average of 200,000 – 300,000. So as far as new people to brand themselves is infinite because people come and go. It’s not a concern. The single most important challenge you come to face is “how do you break through the noise.” 1) Be your authentic self even at the risk of losing what you per-see to be any-kind of following. But I learned that even losing a list of 100 people is ok because you will piss people off. Especially when you get emails from me that say “buy this or get off my list.” And I really mean it because I’m just being myself telling it like it is. 2) Never ever screw anybody over. Always have integrity.
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Lawrence Tam – For the person that has success online in a month, how long should they wait until they quit their job?
Mike Dillard – You should have 6 months in reserved before quitting your job. Unfortunately, you see too many people with great intentions quit their job because they had a great month but they have nothing to back them up on.
Brian Fanale – Copywriting

Brian had us network with others in the room and introduced ourselves. That was awesome.
This is the topic that changed my business says Brain. Copywriting. He said its been around since the dawn of time. If you get good at it, the whole world opens up to you. He says I don’t know any good broke copywriter. You can get whatever you want in life. Brian says that’s how he met his girlfriend Rosa using this skill :-).
Brian gives an example of headlines to catch people’s attention. He said that “How to Stop Losing Money With Your Business?” converts higher than “How to Improve Your Business.” It’s just a simple change. He says you gotta hit the emotion of the person.
On a sales page, he gives an example of a link to not buy the product that says “No thank you, I understand I will no longer see this offer again, but my competitors will.” That’s powerful. It’s a take away that nobody wants to click on. Mindset attraction for sure.
Brian wraps it up that you can be the a powerful asset in the market place if you can conquer copywriting.
Day 2 – Jerry “The Rhino” Clark – Club Rhino

I’ve heard of Jerry Clark for years, but I never met him in person. I read books about him own his “Personality Colors” audio, but to be in his presence is a whole another story.
He asked the audience a pretty strong question. “How would you be if you had $20 million?” Write down those traits, Perhaps you would be happy, more generous, less stressed, etc. and start being those traits right now. He addressed some of the common problems of people that are broke. “By acting like they don’t know what to do, it keeps them comfortable from having to do what they don’t want to.”
That is powerful stuff. How many people do you know that constantly focus on the “How-to” but never actually seem to stick with it even when they are taught it? Jerry shared that personal breakthroughs occur when there is an alteration in beliefs…but most people never question their beliefs so breakthroughs are rare (mm, hmm, told you this guy was good!)
So the trick is to alter someone’s beliefs without them knowing you are if you want to create a big team in your homebased business. Technical knowledge is NOT enough to master anything, it has much more to do with your self-talk and how you communicate to others.
Tracy Walker – Success Coach

Tracy was great! She said if you want to get good at basketball, all you have to do is practice dribble, pass and shoot. The same thing applies to your homebased business.
Don’t focus or get frustrated with other people’s fast success. Do the things that are going to improve YOU.
Don’t be afraid to NOT be the star. Talk about your team, do three way calls, it doesn’t have to be all about you and in fact, you will not grow as quickly if you DO make it all about you.
No one makes every basket, just like no one signs every person they talk to. Take the shot, talk to people and prospect. Superstars practice in the gym when no one else is looking, what do you do when no one is watching? Doing anything tomorrow, SUCKS! Do the things today that will change you and your business.
Cedrick Harris – The $10K Per Month Mentor

Cedrick is a friend of mine and a mad funny guy. Cedrick talked about his life and him growing up selling candy. Essentially, about how he’s always been a hustler. Once he was able to make over $100 a day selling candy his mom cut off buying stuff for him.
He made some great points. #1 – After a prospect watches your presentation, never ask them what they think, it forces them to think which they are not used to and usually doesn’t end up good. (They turn into the left brain analytical thinking)
#2 – Average is defined as the highest degree of poor (do you really want to be average) and
#3 – You can’t spend anyone else’s money, so stop counting it. That is a great one, too many focus on other peoples success, focus on who puts food on your table…YOU!
He also said, he believes the mortgage industry is a legalized mafia. Lol, he has a great point there.
He says that a college professor makes $90k per year and if I want to make $90K per month, he has nothing to teach me. I agree. Cedrick also shared the fact that too many people in this industry try to marry their prospect on the first date. You must court them. He made a good point that we all want more what we can’t have.
Daegan Smith – Affiliate Marketer

Daegan is very well known in the industry and he talked about paid traffic. What’s crazy is that I recognize the picture above. That’s his favorite short “I’m Retired Don’t Ask me To Do A Damn Thing!” That’s comedy. His information was geared toward affiliate marketing, not really network marketing as he talked about not ever picking up his phone, etc, which, is just not network marketing in my opinion. If you are looking to learn pay per click, this was a great session. He said the three elements that will help you build a successful campaign are:
– Know the conversion numbers from traffic to lead
– Know the conversion from lead to sale
– Know the customer value, or, what each lead means in income to you
He said he emails his list every single day and does NOT care who unsubscribes. (I agree with him here) If you are going to do paid traffic you should be asking yourself “How can I build my business so I can afford more traffic”
David Wood – He’s not Human 🙂

David Wood is a machine. Point blank. He has mastered the art of recruiting. I watched him put 117 people in his sales organization. He is also the #1 Recruiter in My Lead System Pro. One thing that really stood out that he was stressing on the crowd is that his lifestyle is his because he chose the correct elements that made his business work for him. He said you must “Decide”. Decide to never quit, decide to give this industry a fair shot, and really go to work for it and it will pay you in return. He said that content is important for your business. If you decide to build it online, its important that people find you!
He also hit that you must find your passion. This is something that I agree with and always share it with my leads and team on my webinars. If you are overwhelmed with too much information, that’s ok. You’re too open minded lol. No but seriously, you must focus on what you’re passion is. If you like numbers and are analytical, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is going to be for you. If you care about people and connecting with them, then making videos is key to getting your branding out there. Thus, if you’re taking your business online, focus on understanding what each strategy is and their definition and run with the one that makes the most sense to YOU. Your passion will make you a success. There is no buts about it. David showed pictures of his lifestyle in Costa Rica and it reassured me on what my goals and dreams are.
I thought about the Hacienda that my wife and I want to build someday on a 1 or 2 acre land. I know that it will happen. It’s not a matter of if, but when :-).
Overall, it was an amazing event. I was able to connect with some new faces and meet new people. I believe your business will prosper and grow when you connect with some sharp folks. There is nothing like connecting with someone live. Appreciate your craft because every single one of you deserve to “Live Your Dreams.”
If you enjoyed this post, please quickly do me a huge favor and share this post with others and comment below. It took me a lot of time to write and put the content together. I appreciate you!
To Your Abundance,
Cesar Ramirez
(951) 595-7758
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