I drove from San Diego to Las Vegas with top income earner and friend Jim Chao.
Jim Chao
The Venetian
If you haven’t heard of the No Excuses Summit in Vegas from the news or a blog like Vegas Guy, you probably weren’t online or you’re still wondering what you’re doing with that old computer that can barely push Windows 95. Just Kidding :-). The lineup for the No Excuses Summit was so amazing that if I didn’t make it down there, I knew I’d miss a ton of value from these online marketing Gurus. If you have no interest in making money online with a home business, I completely understand this is not for you, but wait… there is more :-)…. In case you are wondering what you missed, I took some awesome notes for you. After all, I know you were too busy to make it out, but this may have been the largest Internet Network Marketing summit in MLM history so I will tell you about it. [Read Closely]
The No Excuses Summit was put together by Raymond Fong and Ferny Ceballos and they brought together the biggest names in the Internet based network marketing. I am talking about big hitters such as Jimmy Davis, Justin Christianson, Jeff Learner, Jairek Robbins (Tony Robbins’ son), Chris and Josephine Gross, Norbert Orlewicz (co-owner of MLSP), Brian Finale (co-owner of My Lead System Pro), Tim Erway, Mike Dillard (owner of Magnetic Sponsoring and BetterNetworker.com), Jonathan Budd, Cedrick Harris (The crazy dude I always talk about in a good way), Mark Hoverson, Todd Falcone, David Schwind & Jim Yaghi, Katie Freiling (The beautiful face behind the Unified Tribe), Joseph O’Day and Adam Holland. A rare gathering I know but get this, you’re gonna love the nuggets I’m about to share.
The Importance of Being at Events
I learned from a mentor a long time ago “Cesar, if you want to be successful you must be at events and hang out with other like-minded type people.” That sentence stuck with me to this day.
The major reasons I went to the event:
1) My team was down there for my primary business and I didn’t want to be the faceless guy that hid behind the computer and didn’t connect.
2) I wanted to bring myself new nuggets and be able to teach those new nuggets to people like yourself
3) To grow my self brand image. They say that networking outside of the event doors is just as important as inside with the training. I wanted to take pictures with the speakers without the crowds during breaks.
Online Marketers Connect
I come from the old school ways of doing business. BELLY TO BELLY! Can you believe it? You had to actually open your mouth and speak to someone to make a connection. I still use this method. The internet has taken away (some of) the pain of rejection for some people. I have found that it is rare for a computer geek like me to be able to interact with people socially as I have been a guru on computers for many years (since 1983). I do enjoy and love people though. Money and happiness doesn’t come from a computer. It comes from interacting with people and connecting with them to build your trust. So with that said, online marketing does work with the notion that you also connect with people offline.
Let’s get right into it.
Day 1 of the No Excuses Summit (Friday 9th, 2010)
Jimmy Davis says he was trying for 14 years. “Trying is failing with honor.” Jimmy Davis opened it up talking about marketing funnel systems. He is known as the “My Story Marketing” guru. Jimmy said that if you want to convert your traffic, you must understand funnels.
An example that he showed us was something like this:
Landing Page (short video)
| Business Presentation
| Testimony Videos (could be for you or your business, preferably YOU)
| Have your assistant call the prospect. (Could be you with funky voice lol, mom, wife, anybody but you)
| You call them
Pretty neat concept. You can hire a virtual assistant to do this. You can find a virtual assistant for cheap and interview them at ODesk. Having someone call your prospect first before they speak to you is such a powerful concept. Let’s think about this for a second. It allows you to be the hunted instead of the hunter because of it making you look like someone who is of professional caliber.
What is your why?
Why are you in the company that you’re in. What determines who you are, what you do, and you feel is the future you are living into.
To make money online you do 2 things:
1) Send Traffic
2) Convert Traffic
To make money NOW you send more traffic.
Just like knowing that diet and exercise will help you lose weight, knowing that you need to send traffic and convert traffic is a small piece of the puzzle. He says you need to find a Mentor because that is what Top Earners do. Avoid Advisors because they will lose you. As you will see this information develop, I think there is “more than meets the eye” (yes I am a fanatic of 80s Transformers 🙂 ). What I mean is this, I listen to these gurus give some awesome value content and most of the stuff I gathered was a mix of theory and practical. You definately need both to connect with your audience.
Team Meet-up
After the Friday Night session ended around 8:30pm, I got together with my team to do some masterminding. It blew me away seeing a “secret audio CD” that was created for many members of the team to be passed out. This CD contained some nuggets of why there is such a shake up in network marketing with two online gurus. It invited the prospect to a special event we held on Saturday at 9pm when the events were finished. It exposed our business to many folks and I was even sitting next to an offline marketing guru with 600,000 reps in his primary company. He liked our concept so much. Definitely someone I do not want to let go of.
Party at the Luxor
The Luxor
Soon after, I got invited to a private event at the Luxor. It wasn’t crowded at all by the time I got there. Actually, I got a bit lost with my buddy Jim Chao. Jim and I drove out together since he moved pretty close to me. Eventually, we found the event in a private rented room and networking was taking place. I met up some of the speakers and got to exchange ideas. It was amazing. Katie Freiling, Ryan Dunn, Mark Hoverson, Norbert from mlsp, Ray Higdon, Tracy Walker and a whole lot of other Network Marketers. All the pizza was gone lol (which I probably shouldn’t have eaten anyway) but I had such an amazing time planting my seeds and connecting. I shared with some of the leaders my secrets of the Craiglist Loop Hole I found. I got home at around 2:30am to get some rest.
No Excuses Summit in Las Vegas, NV (Saturday 10th, 2010)
So I got labeled pretty quick from people recognizing my face online as “The Craiglist Guy” from just one webinar I did. I thought it was pretty funny really, but imagine this. You create a product from connecting with 10 people that think like you and have a different niche of skill then you do and now you’re known in the circle of influence. I actually used this to my leverage when someone asked what I was currently working on, I said “I found a loop hole in Craigslist and it’s working for marketing.” Do you think they want to know about it? This is pretty amazing to say the least and I’m focus to get my product out ASAP! So stay tuned for the release of “Craigslist Ad Power” here shortly. (make sure to put your name and email at the top right to get into my list for release date)
I just have to make this side note. I have been marketing online as a professional since January 2010 using attraction marketing. That’s only 7 months! Granted I have been around the computer industry for quite a few years but I did not know how to properly market online until I plugged into a system. That system is MLSP.
Norbert Orlewicz and me
Norbert Orlewicz is the co-founder of mlsp and he put on quite the show. He just announced the release of the Platinum Version which adds a lot more value to your online marketing like video hosting (since the YouTube Slaps) and much more. They even build and setup your MLSP for you (Check out back office for more information on MLSP gurus setting up your system).
If you’re new to online marketing you may be use to the phrase “Have you made any money yet?” and you have to sit there and explain that you’re on your way and you hear that pause of (hmmmm). Well Norbert gave out a GOLDEN NUGGET! He said to basically answer “No, I have not yet but I am generating leads now and I can teach you how.” Isn’t that amazing?
Now if you cannot say that you’re generating leads, you can follow what I did and join their program here. Whether you do or not use the system, you must find a way to generate leads so you can use that answer so that you can position yourself with leads. Norbert also brought up a valid point which has been working for my team which is, don’t expect people to use MLSP just because they signed up, but give them direction. As I outlined here in this video: [Video]. Norbert said “Give directions rather than ask them to do something.” Some of us B.S. around the bush and try to kiss up to our prospects or new recruits. Your time is valuable and you are ALWAYS on the run but you will spend 15 minutes to support them and coach them. That’s where you deserve to be.
Brian Fanale was up next:
Brian Fanale
Brian Finale was up next and he is one of the founders with My Lead System Pro. He said a great line from the Joker in the latest Batman, “If you are good at something you expect to be paid”, I love it! He gave instructions on starting to run your own webinars as soon as possible that are packed with value. Most use GoToMeeting,
Brian gave out some good links too that you might want to checkout:
– KeepVid.com – Downloads youtube videos (Disclaimer: you want to have permission before you do this or you might get into some trouble)
– search.twitter.com – search Twitter for people that you want to connect with and might be in your niche
– gravatar.com – If you are leaving comments on people’s blogs, you want to look professional and have a picture show, this will automate for you every time you leave a comment on blog sites Now, some of you out there are already generating sales through affiliate marketing.
Brian gave a million dollar tip here, pay attention to this one. If you have someone on your list buying products from you, put them in a special list. Send them cookies, send them gifts, but take care of them and you might just have a lifelong income stream. I am going to start doing this as I have generated a lot of income in affiliate marketing but have not taken special care of those who purchased from me a lot. Brian said to get better at Facebook PPC to check out Perry Marshall. He shed some light on this sometimes misunderstood marketing strategy and recommended sending Facebook PPC traffic to a Fan page that has an optin. His company is going to start doing this for members of My Lead System automatically without any programming on the side of the user so that is pretty awesome as I have no clue how to create an optin for a facebook fan page. Some good tips for facebook PPC: – They are tougher on you when you start so don’t start with ads that say MLM, FREE, Get Rich, Etc.
Todd Falcone is a rockstar. I am really glad I connected with him, not only is he a snazzy dresser, he is also a fantastic trainer. He specializes in prospecting, closing and scripts. He gave a great response to that goofball question that we sometimes get, “Is this Network Marketing?” He said to answer it, “Hell Yes, if it wasn’t I wouldn’t touch it!” Isn’t that awesome? He made a great observation in that people will show up to their job every day even if they hate it but they won’t show up for their network marketing opportunity that actually has the potential to make them rich. Why is that? He says because there are no consequences. If you want to create real results in your home business you might want to create consequences for you and your teammates. If you don’t show up to work for three days and don’t call, you will more than likely be fired. Unfortunately, if the same person doesn’t call their upline, show up to meetings or work their home biz, they will get away with no consequences and of course, no real wealth either.
I agree with Todd’s method of the two strikes and you are out philosophy of leaving phone messages for your prospects. Don’t chase, beg or bug them, if they don’t do what they say they are going to do, they also won’t do it if they were in your business. Stop chasing people and stop chasing the signup bonus and look for quality people to work with.
Todd said don’t ever “dabble” with your opportunity. Do it, but don’t dabble or treat it as a hobby. Now, this is a HUGE tip for you guys that are generating leads. Use the information of the lead to build rapport. Let’s look at an example:
Leadname – Joe Prospectson
Cityname – Washington, DC
Phone – 206-206-2062
Email – IeatCornFlakes@gmail.com
What can you do with this instead of just calling them and asking them what they liked about your opportunity? Well, you can use their data to build rapport. Here are a few examples: – Hey Joe, I saw you visited my page, I also see you are in Wash DC, I was just up there, what a great city! How long have you been there?
– Hey Joe, I saw you visited my page, I also see you are in the 206 area code, my friend Brian is a paintball expert up there, he loves it, how do you like it?
– Hey Joe, I saw you visited my page, I also see your last name is prospectson, are you related to a Tony Prospectson that lives in Austin, Texas?
– Hey Joe, I saw you visited my page, I also see you eat cornflakes, I love cornflakes but you must really love them to make it your email address! This business is all about relationships and you start down the path when you create rapport. Then, the man, the myth, stepped up on stage, I am talking about none other than Mike Dillard. Mike Dillard is the creator of Magnetic Sponsoring which is the granddaddy of all network marketing informational products. I honestly do not know one successful network marketer that uses the Internet that has not purchased something from Mike so it was great to meet him. Mike did an open Q&A with the audience and showed why he is who he is. I cannot repeat all the questions and his answers but here is what I got from him:
– Find out why people will buy your product or business – Get rid of your emotional attachment to the outcome of your marketing – Your skillset is the key to your financial future, not your opportunity
– His number one tip is to learn copywriting. There are some pretty expensives courses out there, Mike did this one and it’s solid – Master Copywriting (if you don’t know where to go)
Jonathan Budd
Jonathan Budd is the shaolin monk of Internet Marketing. He was the 22 year punk that came on the internet. I wrote an article on why I joined MLSP over his system. All opinions aside, he is a cool guy and really connected with a positive mindset. He is the founder of the Online MLM Mastery Course that has generated so many successful marketers. I met Jonathan a long time ago through a mutual friend and he is a guy you really want to pay attention to as he is razor sharp. He gave some very solid real world advice on how to get to where you want to go from where you currently are. Here are the highlights: Create Your Own Product 1. Record webinars 2. Interview Top Leaders in the Industry 3. Record Audio at http://audacity.sourceforge.net for free! 4. Write your own ebook and turn it into a PDF.
Jonathan Budd and Cesar Ramirez making up!
You know I have nothing against Jonathan. He is a smart kid and honestly he makes a lot of people angry because of his quick success. I showed him my cell phone on having a number he had from 3 years ago. I asked him, what number is this? He said oh man, that’s like my early years with the reverse funnel system. He says that was such an awesome product. I take back some of the stuff I said about Budd. Just some :-). He’s cool though and we’re like 30 minutes away from each other. Word on the street is he is dating Katie Freiling. I don’t blame him, she’s hot! She’s from my current city, Temecula, CA. Pretty small world I tell you. Thanks Budd for being cool with me champ.
Cedrick Harris
My man Cedrick spoke last at the conference and he ROCKED THE HOUSE! For those that do not know, Cedrick Harris is the number one recruiter in my primary and he the best closer in this industry. This is undisputed so I don’t have to say he is “one of”, he is simply the best. Cedrick covered offline marketing, which, everyone should seriously pay attention to as there are heavy hitters I have enrolled in my business because of the fact that I am not just an online marketer. Cedrick was probably the speaker that generated the most commotion, I am sure that has a lot to do with having such a large amount of his downline in the audience! Great job Cedrick! Cedrick has a product called the 10k Per Month Attraction Marketing Blueprint which I highly endorse. If you haven’t picked it up, you deserve to. It’s a Zero Fluff offline and online marketing system.
After Day 2 of the No Excuses Summit
I was actually masterminding with David Wood on Friday night when I heard about this sneaky tactic. Cedrick and David developed an Audio CD to have me and the rest of the team pass out at the conference on Saturday. This audio CD inviting folks to our 9pm gathering. It was an amazing event. Just look at how many folks here here.
Packed House
I was actually sitting in the back. It was so packed that it started to get kinda hot lol. Fortunately, this created a lot of buzz and over 20 people joined that night. To take a look at the presentation that was shown, watch it here: [Saturday Night Presentation]
What About For Those That Missed It? The No Excuses Summit DVD!
If you couldn’t make it out to this rare event, I highly recommend you pick up The No Excuses Summit DVD. I will inform you all when it is released.
No Excuses Summit in Las Vegas, NV (Sunday 11th, 2010)
The final day of the event.
Katie Freiling and Cesar Ramirez
First up was Tim Erway, Tim worked directly with Mike Dillard on Magnetic Sponsoring and is a copywriting guru. He broke down copywriting in a very easy to understand way. He broke it down to 3 questions you should always ask yourself:
1. Who is your prospect? Be as specific as possible
2. What is their problem?
3. How can you solve it?
He also shared the 8 core motivators that get people to buy things.
1. Make Money
2. Save Money
3. Save Effort
4. Save Time
5. Improve Health
6. Impress Others
7. Increase Pleasure
8. Eliminate Pain
He said you want to work on your headline and make it as specific as possible and irresistible to potential prospects. He recommended the Copywriters Guild to get and learn copywriting in a step-by-step blueprint. I can tell you that after this weekend, copywriting and PPC is my main area I want to improve in as I heard from so many speakers how important they both were.
The next speaker I saw was Katie Freiling. She’s really awesome. Katie is the founder of the content syndication group called the Utribe, which, I am a member of so I guess I am biased when I say it is awesome. You said if you are serious about social media and Internet marketing you really want to have a blog and always give out great value. She also shared some cool stats:
– 78% of people trust their peers when making a buying decision but only trust 14% of ads
– For the first time in 23 years, Pepsi dropped their superbowl commercial to spend $20 million on social media
Katie shared a really cool resource that I did not know about and that is Google Profiles. You can setup your google profiles that could possibly be featured on search results and it is free, you can see mine at http://www.google.com/profiles/cesarin.ramirez
Katie said something I definitely agree with. She said tofocus on your personal growth and the money will come. This is quite different than most as they really chase the money and hope it comes to them. She also said to get yourself into a personal success routine which is another thing I always teach. I blog, meditate and write affirmations every single day and always suggest people they create a routine for themselves. Katie says to brand yourself you have to become a giver of great value and to be consistent. She says your blog is your central hub to your branding and your marketing. Don’t just pitch your business but have people wanting to hear from you and the value you bring.
The Bad Boys – David Schwind and Jim Yaghi
OK, you have to know that these guys are totally insane but also brilliant. I had the opportunity to meet both of these guys. I spent time with David Schwind later that night with a bunch of guys at the bar. Both are absolute geniuses when it comes to driving traffic and copywriting. They started their event with Marilyn Mansons Sweet Dreams song and being escorted on stage by models. They then asked who wanted a drink of scotch and had people come up on stage and sit in chairs during their entire presentation while drinking scotch, crazy right? (I will post the video up soon.)
Their content really gave me some great ideas. Jim shared a killer strategy he uses when formulating his emails. He says before he sends out a mass email trying to sell an affiliate product he checks his gmail where he constantly receives emails from other marketers and he just does the opposite of what he sees. If all the subject lines of the emails coming from everyone else are long, he writes a short subject line and vice versa. Freaking sweet!
He shared another great tip in trying to locate people that might be interested in what you are doing. He says to google your most descriptive phrase that describes what you do or what you are trying to sell and in google click the social link toward the bottom to see what people are on social media and most associated with your business and connect with them. You also want to use the related searches button when doing your research on your niche and if you are going to do any PPC.
David made a great distinction in saying that an ad is not meant to sell but to get a click. I see a lot of ads out there trying to sell from the ad, which, makes most people not want to click them. David also said never to outsource anything you don’t know very well. I totally agree with that too as I have done this with things I did not know well and it did not work out.
My Overall Review of the No Excuses Summit
To be frank with you, I have been upset that knowing computers for over 20 years, I knew very little about setting myself up for self branding. The power of using MLSP is that it gets me not only the education but the circle of influence on the top leaders in the industry. It was awesome, as this was the very first Internet marketing conference I have ever attended. I realized how much faster I could have been generating more leads and income online if I had started attending these sort of events sooner. Here is what I got out of it:
1) Educate yourself at getting at least 50 leads a day with PPC (Pay Per Click Advertising) (Google, Facebook ,etc) More on that at MLSP.
2) Once you get great at #1 work on building awesome articles using the Copywrighter Guild
3) Think of methods of putting different things together to develop your own products to fuel upfront commisions and make it an affiliate for others to get your stuff out there
Ferny Ceballos and Me
Honestly, I appreciate Ray Higdon for taking the time to really think of me and be on his webinar and share my Craigslist Ad Power Secrets. The product will be release VERY soon. If it wasn’t for Ray, I wouldn’t have been labeled as “The Craigslist Guy” in Vegas. It allowed me to connect with leaders and speakers and their ultimate question for me was “What are you working on?” And I told them, I found a loop whole in Craigslist and i’m developing a product for it. They were loving me. I feel blessed.
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PSS: Wanna Party With Me In Atlantis? For FREE? My Company is Doing a contest to win a 4day 3 night trip fully paid for to Atlantis and I am teaching people how to reach it! Email me for Details
PSSS: Portions of this post were leveraged from Ray Higdon’s 3 day article write up. I rehashed it with my experience. Thanks Ray!