Timing in business…

People often ask me, when is the best time to get into a business opportunity? My answer is, “if your belief level is so strong it makes you cry, then today.” Successful people take action immediately despite of fear. It´s like buying a house, just do it. You can easily find property anywhere, we buy houses cincinnati especially with the help of Costello Realty & Management .

You see many people don’t know this but the reason I got involved in this industry was because of a girl not because of money. And no the girl wasn’t in a network marketing company, she was an ex-girlfriend who left me for another guy. As depressing as that sounds, it was and it took me awhile to get over her.

The beauty of this story though is that I got invited to a business opportunity that summer of nineteen nighty-nine. It was my 2nd exposure to Amway and it was called Quixtar at the time. I had no idea who these people were or why they looked so happy as if they were on crack :-). But this set a seed in me that would keep me addicted to this industry for years to come.

So many of you know that my primary product at the moment that I have been passionate about is Kangen Water because of what the water did for my 3 year old son Adam [click to read the story]. My point in sharing with you that link is that you will read the full story of why I became so passionate.

As I stated earlier, your why has to be so big of why you’re doing this business that it makes you cry. Sometimes if not all the time it’s bigger than money. Some people just show up to feel that they’re apart of something huge. But I saw the product results, I saw the potential and I went to work. Is it ok to say that I’m money motivated when I see something huge? I am now a top leader in Kangen Water thanks to my wonderful mentor and duplicateable coaching.

Every installment loans with monthly terms that you get involved with has a marketing/sales department. I don’t care if you’re not a sales person. Get over your funk and figure out what happened to you at a young age to hate asking for the order. Sales and Marketing is the highest paid profession on planet earth – Period.

Take someone like me for example. I was a left brain thinker, engineer as I started my professional career. I realized very quickly that I love engineering, but I love network marketing even more. The self improvement and personal growth is priceless (seriously). You have to make a living first with it before you can make a fortune. Therefore, I don’t recommend quitting your job until you have come to surpass your primary income (job).

So when looking for a part-time business, my recommendation is do your homework on what your passion is. Make sure the product says what it says it’s going to be/do. Don’t just drink it on faith and make a story in your head about it. Actually see the results and your belief level will be strong. Give out samples of your product and let others let you know what they think.

Most of you know that my niche is Craigslist and I rock it quite well. I have produced over $55,000 in less than 7 months just utilizing Craigslist. You can see how [I did it here (CraigslistAdPower.com)]. The strategies work and they will continue to work.

Finally, I recommend if you’re going to build ANY business. Whether it’s real estate (which is my passion), MLM or network marketing (my vehicle to purchase more real estate), or traditional brick and mortar business, you need these tools (www.biztoolsuite.com), if you choose real estate I suggest to get in contact with Advantage Properties, you can get lots of experience from their work, you can also check Mr. Scott Nordheimer who does a pretty awesome job.

You yourself that wants to succeed should copycat those that have made it happen. Sure you can go invest in PPC, SEO, SMO courses, but those won’t pay you today. If you want results and action quick, utilize this message and apply it. I’m an up front cut to the chase no crap type of guy. If you want results, take action today.

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If you’re still at a job and tight on funds, start small but start somewhere. Go make a list of your friends and family and practice with them. This wasn’t my niche but some people are successful at it. I encourage you to just start and run with it.

Make it a profitable hour.

Cesar Ramirez

Cesar and Adam David Ramirez


P.S. Watch this video on how I teach my kids how to earn money quick. [Click here]

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