Hello my friends, Ok… this is one of the coolest “projects” I’ve ever seen… If you know Cesar Ramirez, you know that he has given a lot of credit to Mike Dillard for a lot of his online success and image branding. Mike is the King if you will of “Attraction Marketing,” and is one […]
Setting a deadline for a goal can be the most difficult task. Some folks have procrastinated on their commitments. The pain of just thinking about it stops them from getting started. The biggest misconception in this industry is that new folks aren’t educated on marketing tactics that actually work for them. The duplication process starts […]
Write your goals down. They are essential to your business. A goal unwritten is just a dream. Study your comp plan in your company and figure out what it will require for you to replace your current monthly income and beyond. Sales is the most rewarding industry you can be apart of if you can […]
What is it that you really want? Set a clear defined goal. Dig into your “reason why” you’re doing something different than the norm. Do you want more time? You’re psychologically unemployable? 1) Define Your Reason Why. 2) Set a date when you will achieve that goal. Does this really work? Yes, exponentially, you […]
Thank you for registering for the next webinar! Make sure to mark your calendar because this webinar may not be recorded. Bring a notepad and pen Show up 5 minutes early to lock a seat Check your email to confirm future updates from me Mark you calendar from the webinar information on the previous […]