Hello my friend, today I’m going to share with you a little tip on what has helped me brand myself. You know that tethering word on your smart phone. People talk about it all the time. You can tether your wifi enabled phone to your computer / laptop or even iPad, becoming “kid friendly wifi.” […]
Today’s message is a message of gratitude and I wanted to thank everyone out there who believes in #elitedropshippers
Sometimes when you are surfing a website, banners pop up on the right or left with not so nice images. This tip will block that junk. #Banner #adblock #tech #tip
The #Nike #mags version 2 reps have been a hot talk for awhile. I’m in the process of converting the electronics to match as close to the movie as possible.
#Kangen #water is super amazing! A 4 year old project still blesses me today. #alkaline water saved my sons life. I saw it before my own eyes. Private message me for more information.
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