Calling Network Marketing MLM Prospects

When it comes to generating leads, that’s something we can all say is a pretty streamline type of deal. Once you find your niche of capturing leads, you are rocking and rolling in what I like to call finding your passion in marketing. You see this beautiful industry called Network Marketing has allowed my wife and I to retire from a J.O.B in our early 30s. I am absolutely grateful that my sponsor in a network marketing company cared about me enough to get me involved.

It wasn’t too long ago that I can recall feeling low and losing it all. I wasn’t prepared for the worst. I don’t know if you have been here or not, but it plainly sucks. Facing foreclosure and bankruptcy.

Since we pretty much hit rock bottom at the end of 2011, there wasn’t anywhere else to go but up. I guess you can the fear of having to get a job scared the crap out of me. I really don’t like to be tied into somebody else’s business / dream.

My wife had reminded me that I had been playing with this internet marketing / network marketing stuff since 2007 and it was time for me to bring her home. She no longer believed in working for someone either. January of 2012 she gave me the message of “I’m not going back to work next year, so you better find something to replace my income.”

My mind spun with ideas and I remember committing to ONE company for the next several months. I applied the concept of picking up the phone and calling my network marketing MLM prospects. From the moment she went to work to the moment she came back, I was hitting the phones calling leads I had built since 2009. 2 years of leads and I was sure somebody would listen. From all the NOs I got, I continued to push forward. They didn’t stop me because it wasn’t a No forever, just a No right now.

Believe it or not I was over my fears because I had a Burning Desire. I believe that a person against their will is of the same opinion still. Meaning that no matter how bad you want to help people change the quality of their life, if they are not willing to change for their own dreams, you absolutely unequivocally cannot do it for them.

So here’s my ultimate advice, if you have absolutely no system in place to build leads, then you should start by reviewing this system that has allowed me to create an influx of leads. I have more leads than I can handle and that’s a great problem to have. You want to be in that position where you have a list, and the ultimate next step is to pick up the phone and connect with them to collect a decision.

When you collect a decision you’re seeking the perfect person to be your business partner. Not all personalities are meant to work together. Therefore, on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the ultimate lazy person and 10 being the Top Income earner recruiter, give yourself your number. If you don’t know what number you are, most people are a 5 or a 6. In that case, you want to go seek 7s and maybe 8s. The reason for this is because when you find 7s and 8s they will go find 9s and 10s. And your team will duplicate that way. Seek people of influence and seek that pain.


Save Your Leads That Say No

A person’s pain today may be totally different 6 months from now. Don’t delete your leads. Even if they opt-out you can save that list for future use. I like to save the unsubscribes in my dropbox so I can have access to the leads in the future.


What Do I Ask People On The Phone Cesar?

So one of best questions you can ask that new person on the phone is “Hey John, this is Cesar I just noticed you requested more information on my website regarding leads for your business, just curious on where you’re stuck so I can assist you.” I can guaranty you that their sponsor hasn’t asked them that question because in my 15 years in network marketing, my sponsor never did. I had to go seek it somewhere else.


What’s You Product?

Human connection is a trait that will never go out of fashion. Your product is people and once you learn to leave your EGO at the door, you will no longer be afraid of picking up the phone and connecting. Since your ego is your opinion of yourself, if you’re afraid of the phone, it’s because your self image is more important. Ouch. I know that may sting a little but I had to wake up to that reality. If your EGO is of greater concern than helping people you are absolutely going to struggle. My final question to you is, are you willing to change?




Cesar Ramirez
Skype: cesar8ramirez

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